Wednesday, February 13, 2019

In A Bar 1 Guy Says To Another: I Kissed Your Mom Last Night

In A Bar 1 Guy Says To Another: I Kissed Your Mom Last Night
Whole Bar Was Waiting For The Other Guy?s Response.
He Laughs And Says: Lets Go Home Dad, You Are Drunk Now


Maths Madam To Pappu: If You Have 12 Chocolates And You Give 5 To Leena

Maths Madam To Pappu: If You Have 12 Chocolates And You Give 5 To Leena,

3 To Teena And 4 To Meena, Then What Will You Get?

Pappu: 3 New Girl Friends


Question: Why Do Indian Married Women Have That

Question: Why Do Indian Married Women Have That Red Dot On Their Forehead?
Answer: Because They?re Recording Everything


wife to husband : doctor advised me for bed rest 1 month in a beautiful foreign country

wife to husband : doctor advised me for bed rest 1 month in a beautiful foreign country

so where we will go ?
Husband : we will go to a new doctor.


Girl: So, how many times a day do you shave? Man: Well, about

Girl: So, how many times a day do you shave?
Man: Well, about 15-20 times every day.
Girl: My god, are you some kind of crazy?
Man: No, I am a barber.


A pizza and an apple were thrown down from the 15th floor

A pizza and an apple were thrown down from the 15th floor.

Which will reach down first?
Ans:The Pizza,as it's fast food!


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Breaking news- America advised North Korea

Breaking news- America advised North Korea

not to test any missile or bomb on New Year Eve

2018 coz people enjoy it as Fireworks.


Management student kisses a girl. Girl-whats this?

Management student kisses a girl. Girl-whats this? Boy- its called DIRECT MARKETING. Girl slaps d boy Boy-what is this? Girl- this ...